The goal of the 360 feedback exercise is to receive a well-rounded view of how you show up professionally. We highly recommend requesting feedback from direct managers, peers, cross-functional partners, and direct reports if you manage a team.
Selected feedback providers should be people who have sufficient exposure to you at work; understand what success looks like for you; have a mutual level of respect for you; and be willing and able to provide candid, honest feedback. Feedback providers should not be people you do not work with often; someone who will only say the nice things you want to hear; someone intentionally seeking recourse against you by providing negative feedback; or someone whose feedback you do not regard as valuable.
No, one of FranklinCovey's goals is to divorce feedback from the promotion path. We encourage you to ask current or former colleagues if you think that person's feedback will help you grow. This could be someone you trust, like, someone you've had friction with, etc. The only common thread should be that this person has worked with you enough to have an informed, helpful opinion.
Learners typically request feedback from 5-10 people, including their manager, direct reports, and peers. You need at least three responses for your results to show – this is to ensure anonymity for the respondents.
Visit and add additional rows with new respondents' information. Note: If you have already reviewed your results, you will not be able to add additional respondents.
FranklinCovey will reach out to respondents and request feedback on your behalf as the learner. We will send an email introducing them to FranklinCovey and the 360 exercise. Reminder emails will be sent out a few days after feedback is requested. Please feel free to let those you requested feedback from know to look out for an email from
The following email template is sent from FranklinCovey inviting respondents to share feedback. *Please note that as of December 2023, any new 360 Diagnostics that are completed will include the ability for learners to filter by manager-only feedback. Therefore, if you are emailing your manager, please exclude mention of anonymity, since their responses will not be anonymous.
Subject: Please submit anonymous feedback about [Learner Name]
Hi [Respondent Name] – I'm emailing because [Learner Name] is working with FranklinCovey to grow as a leader and requested your feedback as part of their 360 evaluation.
The survey is anonymous and should take you 10-20 minutes.
Share your feedback now.
The survey has two parts: 1) Feedback about your colleague 2) Context about your experience at work. -
Complete the same survey later
We'll ask these questions a second time to help [Learner Name] measure their improvement when they complete training through the FranklinCovey program.
We recommend that FranklinCovey provide context for FranklinCovey and your goals for the 360 feedback. Here is an example of how you can introduce your contacts to FranklinCovey and the 360 exercise:
Hello [Respondent First Name] –
I hope all is well! I'm reaching out for your help gathering feedback about how I show up professionally.
I will participate in a FranklinCovey learning experience to accelerate my professional development. The program is a curated learning experience that delivers practical leadership skills.
As someone I've worked with pretty closely at [Company], I trust and respect your opinion. I'd love to include you in my 360 feedback inventory if you'd be open. FranklinCovey's 360 evaluation is a two-part diagnostic that compares self-perceptions with colleagues' perceptions to understand better how I show up professionally and management strengths and areas for improvement. The exercise should take you no more than 10 minutes and will be used to ground my developmental conversations. Your responses will be completely anonymous.
Please keep an eye out for an email coming soon from FranklinCovey with the next steps.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, and thank you in advance for your time and candor!
Thank you,
[Learner Name]
Visit and re-enter the email address correctly in a new row. Please note: If you have already unlocked your 360 Diagnostic results, then you will not be able to add additional respondents in order to preserve anonymity.
Will my feedback links expire for my respondents?
Once you request feedback, the respondent can submit 360 feedback at any time. There is no expiration date that prevents them from submitting feedback at this time.
Localization of 360 Diagnostic Emails 360 Request Email: When you asks others for feedback.
You can find a list of languages we support in this article: Impact Platform Localization. |